One Simple Purchase That Improved My Life
For the last 4 years, I haven’t been listening to music that much. I was usually watching Ted Talks, listening to bits and pieces of podcasts on YouTube, mostly Joe Rogan Experience and Jocko Podcast. I probably spent around 2 hours a day on my phone, listening to podcasts and talks while I was doing other things, such as riding the subway, cleaning, cooking, walking, shopping, etc. I had cable earbuds, which created friction to listening to those things whenever I want. It was extra work to entangle the earbud cords. Even after I do so, cables would probably get in my way while I’m cooking or doing the dishes. I wasn’t disturbed by it that much because I’ve always had cable earbuds. I’d never used bluetooth headphones before.
After the spring term ended last year, I decided to buy the AirPods. Up to that point, I didn’t want to spend over $150 on a headphone. Then I convinced myself that it was going to be worth it, so I bought the AirPods from the Apple Store in Brooklyn, NY. I started listening to audiobooks as well as podcasts. I probably doubled my listening time since I bought the AirPods. I’ve been using them pretty much all the time, and the reason for that is AirPods are very convenient. All you have to do is open the case and you put them in your ears, and it automatically connects to your apple device. You can start listening with only 2 taps (you can change the settings on that), and whenever someone wants to talk to you, you just take out one of the AirPods, and it automatically stops. When you put it back on, it will continue from where you left off.
AirPods added so much value to my life. I probably listened to more than 15 books and a lot more podcast episodes since I bought the AirPods. I know I could’ve listened to books with my cable earbuds, but compared to the AirPods, they are not convenient at all. I cannot always keep my earbuds on, it’s just not natural. I can almost always keep my AirPods on, and I’m able to listen whatever I want whenever I want. This is obviously not an Apple AirPods ad, but I must say that it’s worth every penny.