Morning Brew
I’m not a huge fan of email subscriptions. There are definitely very useful ones, such as The 3–2–1 Thursday Newsletter by James Clear and The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday. The one that got my attention the most however is Morning Brew.
Morning Brew is a daily email newsletter that is designed mostly for young professionals. It was founded by Alex Lieberman and Austin Rief when they were still students at University of Michigan. Morning Brew is a really interesting digest in the daily news.
It can be considered as a replacement for reading the WSJ or NY Times every morning. Ever since I subscribed to Morning Brew, I haven’t really read or watch the news. Within five minutes, I’m able to get up to date on the market, business, life, tech and what’s going on in the world. They also put links to the news and articles they share, so if I want to dive deep into the topic, I can just go ahead and read the full article.
I don’t remember how I found out about Morning Brew, but right after I did, I let my friends know who are also young professionals and they were hooked immediately just like me.
Morning Brew not only is free but also has its own humor. So it manages to make you smile while you are reading the daily news. It’s also a very short read, takes about 5 minutes to go through and it’s enough for you to be on top of the current events.
You can sign up to Morning Brew daily newsletter from this link: Remember, it’s completely free.